Thursday, July 2, 2009


Couch surfing for the fifth day straight now and still going strong. Last night, we went to the grog house. I thought there would be more dancing, but you know how it goes. It was the closest thing to a club that i've ever been to. Going to a real club tonight. We'll see how that goes. Mikes roommates are watching tennis -- quite different than what would be going on @ ncf. I kind of like some of it here though, the people are far more active. And tend to eat healthier. Lots of them are foodies, which was unexpected.
I spent today setting up my blog, and getting things just right. Getting a feel for what I want this to be about. I finished re-reading the Moon is a harsh mistress, and started re-reading the cat who walks through walls. I dig it somethin fierce.
I think this week away has been a much needed tonic.
Soon I have to begin working on my Independent study project. It will be on whether or not daylight savings time affects the # and possibly severity of vehicle crashes. I intend to make that into a discussion about Time and Power, and how academic notions of power tend to overlook the importance of time and how society conceptualizes time. Afterall, the Hour wasn't even invented until the 13th century, and wasn't made a part of everybody's life until the industrial revolution, when people had to begin clocking in.
I think thats all for the day. I'll be seein you around.


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